JANUARY 27, 2024
In this course you will learn practical application of Navel Candling & Bonus Ear Candling, Benefits of each Application, Essential oils and herbals for candling, Womb Stimulation for Navel Candling benefit. Business Essentials for Navel Candling. Supplies will be shipped with registration.
Certification of Completion with Yoni Steam Institute will be awarded upon completion of this course.
Benefits of navel candling include:
1. Assistance with Menstrual Pain & PMS
2. Warms the Womb
3. Gynecological Disorders
4. Ovarian Rejuvenation
5. Dispelling Toxins
6. Increases Vitality
7. Increases Sexual Desire
8. Amenorrhea - Absence of Menses
9. Enhance Circulation through Circulatory System
10. Enhances Blood Circulation
11. Aiding the removal of toxins through the lymphatic system;
12. Alleviation of stomach flatulence, stomach ache, endocrine disorders.
13. May improve digestive and colon health
14. Relieves stomach bloating and caters to slimming the waistline
15. Moves through chakra meridians to clear Qi, Stagnation and Energy Blockages
Also may assist with the following:
16. Lumbar Muscle Strain and Leg Pain
17. Facial Paralysis
18, Peri Arthritis