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- BOUNTIFUL WOMB Restorative Blend
BOUNTIFUL WOMB Restorative Blend
Restorative Goddess Tea & Yoni Steam Blend
20 Tea Bags per package
Chamomile, Fennel, Nettle, Pau D'arco, Red Raspberry, Tulsi, Yarrow
Drink as a Tea: Boil 8 ounces, remove from heat, add 1 tea bag and enjoy a cup of tea. For Yoni Steaming use 2 tea bags per Yoni Steam blend
To learn more about Yoni Steaming and how to accomplish it from the comfort of your home safely order our book by following this link https://www.yonisteaminstitute.com/yoni-steam-book.html
For an online self paced Yoni Steam for Personal Care class follow this link
Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of your primary care physician
Do Not Use If Pregnant. Check with your Lactation Consultant if Breastfeeding